Weekly insight to style on a budget, my rescue pets, and any adventures along my way.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Steer In To The Skid

 "Steer in to the skid."  We've all heard that saying before.  And tonight, while I was shampooing my hair, I really thought about it and how it applies to my life....

I've had people in my past tell me that I was "too open" with my life.  That I wasn't a private enough person.  I tried to become more "reserved."  Tried to not be so "out there."  It's something that I've never been able to succeed at.  I love being able to share parts of my life that I choose to share.  I'd like to think that somewhere out there, my stories might possibly give hope to someone.  Especially with some heavy stuff that's happened in my life.  Or maybe people just enjoy coming along my stories for the ride.  To see places that they might not see. 

I've had people tell me that I'm "too in love with animals."  Now I'm a small business owner of a healthier choice of dog treats.  I get to work alongside my husband.  We get to "meet" so many new people and new doggies.  My dream is to be able to be profitable enough to join forces with rescue organizations.

I've been told from previous employers that I was "too sensitive" and "too involved in my employees lives."  I'm now in HR where I get to listen and get to know my employees without it being met with judgement.  I'm privileged to learn more about their lives and listen to what makes their worlds go round, what makes their world stop.  At various times in my current profession, an employee has thanked me for listening to them.  To just be a listening ear, and for being unbiased and non-judgemental.  

These are just a few examples.  Point is-steer in to the skid.  Your natural self is your best self.  Fine tune your talents and gifts.  And don't ever let anyone make you feel any other way than amazed at what you're a natural at.  If someone tries to tell you that you're "too this" or "too that," to hell with them.  They don't understand you, and thank goodness for that.  They'll watch you in amazement, in happiness for you, or even in jealousy of you.  

It's cliche as hell, but, really, be you.  When you do, things start to happen.  I've noticed that when I go with my gut/heart, I next to never regret it.  So trust yourself.  

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