Weekly insight to style on a budget, my rescue pets, and any adventures along my way.

Friday, January 15, 2016

"In A World of My Own"

Alice said it best when she described a world of her own.  Today I was talking to Isaac about what my "dream world" would have and after saying it out loud I had two thoughts:
1-Wow, that was really weird.
2-But wouldn't it be cool?!

A few things my world would have are unicorns, mermaids, and talking animals.

I absolutely love the idea of mermaids and unicorns.  I used to be embarrassed about this but with this whole being bold thing I'm doing I've decided to not care what other people think about it.  Here are a few of my favorite images of these things:

These things can definitely teeter on the childish side but I think in moderation and done tastefully unicorns and mermaids are actually quite posh.  What do you think?

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