Weekly insight to style on a budget, my rescue pets, and any adventures along my way.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Classified: WFJ

Classified: WFJ

Woman for job.

I've been job free for almost one month now and as fun as it's been to sleep in a little bit, get my apartment nice and sparkly clean, and be able to have dinner waiting at home for my husband when he gets out of work I'm ready to go back in to the working world.  And you know what...it's a lot like dating!

Ahhh, dating.  The tricky sticky dance of "do I even like him?" "does he like me?" "why isn't she calling back?" "did they lose interest?" "is there someone else who's better than me?!"  Those questions and more are exactly what it's like going in to the job interview world.

"Swipe Right, Swipe Left/It's A Match!"
First you come across a job posting online and think to yourself, "hmmmm...this could be a fun place to work." So you apply and a few days later GASP! a phone call asking for an interview!  Oh how your heart flutters as you start wondering how are you going to do your hair and make up and what are you going to wear?!  Then the pang of "Do I really want to work there?" settles in but you push that aside and chalk it up to nerves.  Sounds like the beginning of online dating.

"I Drive Myself Crazy"
Then comes to actual day of the "date", oh I mean interview.  You look better than you have in days.  Your outfit is on point and your confidence is through the roof.  And slowly butterflies start to creep in to your stomach as you anticipate all the upcoming scenarios.  What will your interviewer look like in person?  Shake hands firmly but not too firmly and wipe your sweaty palms first!  Turn your cell phone off, put some lip gloss on and make sure your teeth are clean.  Smile but don't smile too much. Etc. Etc.  Then you arrive at your destination.

"Hi Nice to Meet You"
As you wait in the lobby waiting for your interviewer, do you look at your phone? No that looks tacky.  Don't check your watch too many times.  Sit straight, they might be looking at you.  Every person that walks by you you can't help but make eye contact and a slight smile thinking this might be your call.  Then finally the initial meeting.  First impressions, racing pulse, pumping heart, go!  You get greeted by your first name and stand up trying to put your best foot forward.  They probably apologize for having you wait and you act oh so casual with a passive answer like, "Oh not a problem at all."  The lead you to the interview room and it's time to get this show on the road.

"What's Your Sign?"
Then you sit there and get asked the same "get-to-know-you" questions.  "Tell me a little about yourself." "What made you want to work here?" "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" And the parade of questions goes on and on.  Some "dates" are over before they started and you can feel it, and they can feel it, but the "date" painstakingly goes on either way. Some "dates" start off rough but have potential to turn around.  Some, if you're lucky, go amazingly well.  Those are the worst.  

"I Can Hear Wedding Bells"
The ones where you can actually see your future together.  You can see yourself waking up every morning to go to this job.  Can see yourself having lunch there, furthering your career, making friends, Christmas parties.  Oh how you can just see it!  And then it's time to go.

As you walk out you try to hold on to every moment and make as many lasting impressions as you can with those sacred last moments.  They tell you they'll be in touch and you shake their hands and walk away.

"Waiting Game"
And then you wait.
And you wait.
And you wait.
And you wait.

Why aren't they calling?  Did you say something wrong?  Did you do something wrong?  You felt so confident..what's wrong?  Maybe they lost your number.  Maybe they just need one more day?  Maybe they're just at lunch and they'll call you after that.  So many maybes.  

This is the point of the dating interview world I'm at.  Been on a few dates.  Some good, some bad, but still in the waiting game of it all.  There should be a support group for people who keep interviewing with no luck yet.  But luck always changes.

If you'd like go ahead and share your worst interview experience.  I'll share mine:

I was interviewing for an HR Assistant position in Shertz and my interviewer was monotone, boring, and rude!  He kept reiterating how I didn't have the experience he wanted but he never ended the interview.  Just kind of kept going with how I was drastically under qualified for the position.  I finally had remind him that HE personally called ME for an interview while he had my resume in his hand so if he felt that my interviewing was a waste of time then he only had himself to blame.  Let's just say I didn't get that job.

Either way-here's to hoping that in October I'll land my dream job!  And if you're out there looking for your career path share your story!

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